President Message
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President Message

Let me first welcome you to the website of the Federation of ASIAN Motorcycle Industries (FAMI). FAMI, as IMMA member, represents the manufacturing industry, and is federating 7 key manufacturing countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Philippines and Vietnam. Together these countries account for an annual production of nearly 15 million motorcycles.
South East Asia (SEA), counts approximately 700 Million inhabitants, which is one tenth of the worldwide population. Estimating the regional motorcycle fleet above 150 Million number in these 7 countries, one or more motorcycles in a household is extremely common. Thanks to their small size and associated freedom of movement in crowded urban environments, low economic cost, ease of parking and low environmental impact providing an important source of personal mobility.
Though the 7 countries have different type of traffic regulations, the vehicles and traffic culture are similar; hence a lot can be learned from each other through exchanging best practices through FAMI. In the SEA countries, we are speaking currently of GDP growth on average, of 5% or above. We need our economy to grow on a sustained basis for at another decade for our people to have a decent living standard.
FAMI is deeply engaged on addressing harmonization of vehicle technical regulations, motorcycling safety, and the protection of intellectual property rights. As we know well in FAMI, the informal networking is crucial to set the enthusiasm for building a common understanding, define common goals and realize our harmonization objectives at regional and global level.
We know there are ideas to further extend FAMI’s visibility and its relation with IMMA. We will always greatly support making an organization more effective and efficient and we note that such a process needs to carefully consider the constitutions and capabilities of its members as well their regional contexts.
Thank you for visiting our website.
Sincerely Yours,
Mr. Johannes Loman